This Friday is the anniversary of our first date, and our wedding... I am going to my hometown area and going out drinking with my girlfriends to celebrate the man I love.
They have karaoke and a live band, and awesome taxi service for after smile
Saturday I am getting my hair done by a dear friend, and Easter Sunday will be spent with my family.
Busy weekend ahead and I am looking forward to it.
I am finding resources in my community to help with the little things... I am learning to talk to EVERYONE I see and ask for their knowledge about the city. Whether I need the lawn mowed or the car worked on, I am slowly building my contact list.
I had the pleasure of stopping by a garage to have my state inspection done on the car. There was a local "old timer" just sitting and talking with the shop owner. It was great to sit and talk with him a while. The shop owner invited me back anytime I needed someone to give me a hard time smile
I can feel the effects of the sun on my arms at the end of each day, and I feel content in a day well lived.

I love you all, and am not going away any time soon! PM me anytime if you have questions. Its not too soon, and I am happy to help if I can.


CG to my husband, Matt. Dx June 2009 Stage IV Oropharengeal SCC right tonsil primary with distant metastases. Rad to neck- Surgeries to lungs- Every avail chemo - ran out of options Jan 2012, called for hospice help Feb 2012, at rest March 19, 2012.