Actually Christine, the real allure of the PEG tube, for me are the parlor tricks. If you're pouring anything in, don't start laughing. It will squirt all over the room unless you're really quick on pinching it off. Also, its possible to really cut back on the quality of one's wine selection since you totally bypass the whole tastebud issue. I've never been much of a drinker but I'm glad to save every penny I can wherever possible. Also, when its removed and the site heals, you can convince your son's friends that you were actually born with two bellybuttons. Actually, three in my case since this is my second one. laugh There's always a silver lining.

2006 SCC T0 N1 M0; 2006 EBRT x 33, chemo x 3; 2010 Extraction 2 molars; 2010 HBOx30; 2011 Dx osteosarcoma of mandible; 12/20/11 mandibulectomy with temp. titanium plate; 1/31/2012 chemo x 4; 9/19/2012 Reconstruction of mandible with graft from hip and bone morphogenic protein