the encologist held off the chemo so he could get while in long term hospital he did physical therapy 3 times a day....was to be getting discharged this past week so he could start chemo, when a week ago a HUGE tumor emerged out of his collar bone area....

he was in SO MUCH PAIN, they did surgery on it SUNDAY and drained it, the dr was shocked when bones came out w the fluid, he said his breast bone up to his shoulder is completly destroyed...they tested it and on monday, we got the news that the cancer is into the bones in his chest....

encologist told him , that at this point he has had the best treatments, and it would prob do more harm than good...

he said that CT scan from 3 weeks ago show fluid all thru the lungs, cancer thru each lung, and now of course into the bones in his chest...

they are giving him lots of pain meds, dr recommended hospice, but FIL does not want to "quit" he says....he does not understand that it is just too far gone and the treatments would not help...

I do not know what to say or do to help....

any suggestions?


FIL DX JAN 29, 2011
stage 4 Squamous cell carcinoma
inoperable due to his overall health.
started treatment: March 2011.
feeding tube and TRACH
finished 39 radiations and weekly chemos JUNE..
June- 3 weeks in hospital for pneumonia
July-pet scan showed slightly better
OCT- hospice care, cancer all thru body