I got genitle warts when I was 13.I was a virgin & believe I got it from using the same towel my mother used after a shower,or the toilet seat.My mother got it from my step-dad.I had them removed.Then when I was 17 I got them again,but this time they went away on their own.In 2003 I noticed a white bumpy lesion at the back of my throat.Had a surgeon look at it ,he said it was "eckasia?"from my sinuses draining.2 days ago I saw an ENT Dr.& was told it could be cancer from the HPV virus.I am terrified!I don't have insurance & am trying to find a Dr.to do the biopsy that I can make payments to.I live in rural eastern Or.with not to many options.I'm having pain in my ear & jaw on the side of the legion,but have also had pain & swelling on the other side for several years which the Drs. said was my muscle swollen from fibromyalgia,insomnia & stress.Am so angry with these Days.I am also in remission from Hepatitis-C.The drugs for that were chemo-like,suppressed my immune system,gave me alot of side-affects,arthritis,gout & I believe triggered this HPV in my throat.I am 54.Any ideas out there?Thank-you,have been crying for 2 days now,funds are limited,don't qualify for any state or govt.help,what to do,what to do???