I've also read that it can take decades for the cancer to show up after HPV infection. I had a class 2 PAP (suspicious cells - precancerous) that had to be treated with a colposcopy and cryosurgery 30 years ago. No one knew about HPV back then, but I probably had it. Imagine the guilt thinking I might have passed this on to my husband. He blames it on his previous girlfriend, who really got around, but who knows? I can imagine your discomfort David, albeit from another angle.
Our ENT surgeon was fairly sensitive when I blurted out that I'd had precancer of the cervix, and said there was no way of knowing where Gordon's HPV came from. He said you could even get HPV from a doorknob (no off-colour jokes, please!) but I think he was just saying that to diffuse the atmosphere. It's about as plausible as getting HPV from a glass. Anne

Anne - CG to Gordon (59), non-smoker/non-drinker. SCC, BOT, HPV 16+, stage 3. Jan./10 - radical neck dissection to remove 48 lymph nodes, 1 node pos. Apr. 23/10 - finished 35 rad. and 3 cisplatin. Jul. 22/10 - PET scan clear.