Thanks, Ray. In my case, since I've had my operation in March, I hadn't been exposed to any loud noise (from music, bars, pool halls, urban traffic, etc), in fact, it has been literally a quiet life for me since then. I did notice the ringing in my ear just recently and was completely unaware that a possible side effect of cisplatin is hearing loss. I've never heard nor read about this before, until I saw some of the blogs here. At this point, I'm not worried or stressed about it, i't simply news to me. I have already scheduled a hearing test together with my next ct scan, as prescribed by my doctor during my recent check up.

Prior to my treatment, a lot of people, including my oncologist, did warn me of possible hair loss as one of the side effects from chemo (cisplatin x 3, in my case). However, I was fortunate enough not to experience this...or any of the 'usual' side effects like nausea or vomitting. I just felt extremely tired after each session, my body was telling me to rest, and it wasn't unusual for me to get minimum 12 hours of sleep. My RT did more damage to me than my chemo.


Diagnosed: 16Feb'09
Pre-op Dx: Tongue SCCA Stage IVB (T4N2cM0)
Opn: 2Mar'09. Total glossectomy, Neck dissection (Levels I-V), bilateral; Anterolateral, Thigh flap recon'n; Tracheostomy; PEG
Decanullation: 24Mar'09
IMRT x30, concurrent with chemo (cisplatin) x3: May-Jun '09
PEG out: 23Oct'09