Hi Angelia. Cisplatin "can" cause permanent hearing loss. Make sure to report ANY ringing in your ears immediately to your Oncologist. John unfortunately has hearing loss fromt he Cisplatin but it didn't show up until the end of treatment. John was also on 2 different anti-nausea meds as he was so "gaggy" and had so much nausea during treatment. Side effects of treatment are so different for everyone. Even with the PEG in John lost 30 lbs. Feel free to PM me if I can answer any other questions.

Wanda (47) caregiver to husband John (56) age at diag.(2009)
1-13-09 diagnosed Stage IV BOT SCC (HPV+)
2-12-09 PEG placed, 7-6-09 removed
Cisplatin 7 weeks, 7 weeks (35) IMRT
4-15-09 - treatment completed
8-09,12-09-CT Scans clear, 4-10,6-11-PET Scans clear
4-2013 - HBO (30 dives) tooth extraction
10-2019 - tooth extraction, HBO (10 dives)
11-2019 - Left lateral tongue SCC - Stage 2