Wow, the rope sounds like an added bonus feature!

I have my own bonus as well: I get to hold my mouth open with a block between my teeth holding my tongue down so the radiation will go directly to the roof of my mouth. The block was shaking so hard today I had to hold onto it with my hand (and even that didn't help much). Maybe that's where Ativan would help some, too...

The Chia pet sounds like a marvelous idea, Gary. I can picture it now...

BTW, David, did you ride your bike during radiation? If so, how much? I'm just curious...


Stage 2 SCC upper right palate
Hemi-palatectomy and maxillectomy 5/28/09
Six teeth gone
IMRT x30 starts July 13. Completed 8/26/09
Carboplatin and Taxol x6 starting 7/14/09. Completed 8/25/09.