MightyMouse my daughter Brandy had the same diagnosis of SCC in the maxillary region and just finished her 6 week checkups after completing her 35 treatments on May 15, 2009. You need to be prepared as the treatments for you are somewhat different then a lot of the folks here as they target the roof of your mouth. So your facial area as well as your neck if they are targeting all your lymph nodes too will be affected and possibly have more burns in the face area too. Just to be prepared.


CG to daughter Brandy age 31 initial dx 10/06
SCC T4N0M0 with bone invasion upper maxillary
Surgery 10/06
CT's clear for 2 years

2nd recurrence - Laser surgery 1/09 dx
Tumor board - No surgery to invasive for QOL
35 IMRT 3/30/09 Completed 5/15/09
8 tx Erbitux 3/24/09 Completed 5/6/09