Well, THAT was one of the most unpleasant experiences I've had so far (besides the surgery...)! Got the mask made today in preparation for IMRT, which will start in a couple of weeks. Definitely thinking Valium for the treatments (x30); I had thought I'd be stoic and meditate or something while I had the mask on, but now I know better -- it's NOT going to work, being bolted to the table!

Anybody else out there with claustrophobia who had to do the mask? How did you deal?


Stage 2 SCC upper right palate
Hemi-palatectomy and maxillectomy 5/28/09
Six teeth gone
IMRT x30 starts July 13. Completed 8/26/09
Carboplatin and Taxol x6 starting 7/14/09. Completed 8/25/09.