I was told that the initial mask fitting was the longest or toughest part of getting used to the mask. I had my mask made a couple days ago and it was very trying to say the least. It was nothing like having to put on a gas mask in Iraq, much worst. Ironically, both masks were both there to help save my life. I didn't think to look through the forums for information before hand.

Maybe, someone could hold a mask fitting training class. After all, knowing is half the battle right.

The worst part for me was the tube that I have to have in my mouth to hold my tongue in place. Anyone else have this? Makes my throat and mouth really dry. And yes I did the deep breathing through my nose as best I could.

Dx: SCC lateral tongue April 09, Stage T1M0N0
PET scan clear April 09
Partial glossectomy April 09, no carcinoma present
IMRT started 7/9/09, finished 8/26/09
PEG inserted 7/30/09
PEG removed 9/25/09
ER Nurse

Keep the rubber side down....