I was devastated at your reply. You had me in tears for a long time. Do you not think we would do ANYTHING to change this situation? Ron is not going to be cured at this point, no matter how much we wish it were different. The Erbitux is Palliative chemo. I am trying to watch my words here, but can I just say that you are not on this road with us and you have no idea what we have been through and continue to go through? I am so happy for you that your cancer is in remission right now, and I hope you never have to experience a recurrence. I would appreciate it if you would no longer respond to my posts, since I do not find your advice helpful or supportive. Thank you. I truly wish you the best.

Lori, cg to H Ron, age 56.
Stage IV Oral SCC-T1N2. Tongue resected and right ND 8/05. Teeth removed, PORT, PEG, IMRT x33, Cisplatin x3. Tx ended 10/05.
Recurrence 7/08 Stage IV. Surgery 8/30/08.
2nd recur. 11/08. 2nd surgery 2/2/09.
3rd recur. 4/9/09. Erbitux wkly. 5/09-?
Ron died 6/6/09.
Lori also passed away 8/20/11, colon cancer