It was good to talk to you the other night! You made my
day like I told you! Please keep moving your head and neck
around to keep them mobile. You know that ace bandage might
do more damage than good-just a thought, but I was told it could
be dangerous if it was fluid. Might ask your doctor if it is fluid
or just the flap. I was told my flap would shrink with time. Maybe it has a little or maybe I just am a little more used to the "new
normal". I hope that it works out for you.

But-I just wanted to let you know,today is my 2 year anniversary
(ugh-doesn't sound like the right word to use/) but I had
my surgery for 16 and 1/2 hours 2 years ago today!! Just holding
my breath and realizing how lucky I am to be here today.
It just seems like yesterday. What an ordeal!!!
I am thinking of you. Get interested in a good book or movie.
I know time goes so slowly when you just look out the window.
I have so many bluebirds!! I never knew.
Take care and I hope to hear from you soon.

Partial mandibulectomy and neck dissection 2/3/07. T2NOMO.
Had 14 hour operation which included reconstruction of jaw.
Reconstruction failed. Some radiation, no chemo.