On the road to better,
We saw both surgeons yesterday and I will go back to the Plastic surgeon next week and the ENT the week after. So far I still have the Frankenstein stiches on my face and neck, am using a walker and eating only soft foods. The plastic surgeon told me to wrap an Ace bandage around my face to reduce the swelling. I asked him "like a nun?" and he said "yes." My d-i-l brought one over this afternoon and I can't figure it out. Tomorrow I see the Prothodontist and will ask him.
I conquored the stairs going both up and down sitting. When I get upstairs I just roll over on my side and get up on the knee from the good leg. To go down, I roll to the top of the stairs on my computer chair, someone holds it and I ease down to my knee, sit down and bump down the stairs. I really don't want to do this more than once a day as I am not an exercise person and it is tiring. Also, I need help at the top and someone has to bring the walker up and down for me.
I now do not need the boot 24 hr, mostly for walking. I am afraid to sleep with it off but am enjoying the "freedom" from it during the time when I am not walking. The Plastic Surgeon told me to keep the leg elevated as much as possible and OKed putting on a low quarter sock. The problem with that is that the velcro adjustments stick to it. oh, well - "you have to suffer to be beautiful."

SCC stage II Partial mandibulectomy w. neck dissection- July 2005. Renal cancer w. partial nephrectomy-Jan 2004. Breast cancer discovered in routine mammogram. Successful lumpectomy, sentinal nodes clear, RT only-2008 Reconstruction of mandible w fibula free flap-Jan 09. TORS removal of begnin pappiloma from esophagus-2010. Masectomy,rt breast 2013.
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