Hi Sharlee,

Let's see if this will help you. I had stage 1 in 2004, had 1/4 tongue removed. Had no other treatment at that time. (this was just in-case it came back I would have the option.) It did come back in 2005 so it had already spread, but could not be seen in earlier year. So Then I had Surgery in 2005, Neck dissection, Rad.& Chemo. Here is my point, if I would have had the Radiation the first time, I would not have been able to have it again when it was truly needed. They can not radiate the same area twice.

My caution to you is keep all CT scans every 3 to 4 months. I did not get the scan after the first surgery. (it was a oversight in scheduling) It is important to learn and be your own advocate. I learned that here on OCF.

Hope this was of some help.
Take care,
Diane smile

2004 SCC R.tip 1/4 tongue Oct. 2005 R. Neck SCC cancer/Chemo Cisplatin 2x/8wks. Rad. Removed Jugular vein, Lymph gland & some neck muscle. TX finished 1/20/06... B.Cancer 3/29/07 Finished 6/07 Bi-op 7/15/09 SCC in-situ, laser surgery removed from 1st. sight. Right jaw replacement 11/3/14. 9 yrs cancer free as of Jan. 2015