I'd like to know who the doctor was at MD Anderson. OCF is listed on the MDACC web site as a reliable peer reviewed place for patients to get information and support from. They give out our refferal cards to this forum and OC information sheets. This guy, as far as OCF is concerned, is out of the loop. Jeez - our original science advisory board member is David Callander, who when he joined the OCF team was chief of medicine at MDACC. Their head of radiation oncology Dr. Ang is on our board, as is Dr. Jacob who is in dental oncology and prosthetics. I would say that MDACC is firmly involved and approving of OCF.

As to your doc saying this was genetic... ALL cancer is genetic in nature. The HPV virus is a documented independent cause and if you click on the word HPV in my post it will take you to the main OCF site page about the HPV connection.

The soap star is Colleen Pinter who has partnered with OCF to do TV public service announcements, appear on The Early Show on CBS for us, and more. We will be working with her a lot in the future, and her As the World Turns Character (Barbara Ryan) has just been diagnosed with oral cancer, a story line that will continue in the series for more than a month. She is definitely a survivor who cares about others.

(Posted by an ex-Missouri boy...)

Last edited by Brian Hill; 01-09-2008 06:21 PM.

Brian, stage 4 oral cancer survivor. OCF Founder and Director. The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between, the leader is a servant.