My story is a little similar to yours. I have had two primaries (both SCC) so far - one on my tongue and the other behind my left rear molar. Both were caught early and completely removed with clear margins and no vascular or peri-neural involvement. Like you both my cancers were completely different in appearance - one was a small ulcer (on my tongue) and the other a verrucous type growth. I did not have a neck dissection following either surgery as my scans were ultimately clear (after an initial scare with a CT scan the PET was clear). My ENT also advised against radiation, preferring to keep a very close watch on things. I too was concerned that perhaps we should be fighting this more aggressively, but I was strongly reassured that so long as we continue to catch the cancers early then I will be okay. I like and trust my ENT but still have niggling doubts as to whether this watch and wait approach is the way to go! I think the fact that you will be getting advice from a 'tumour board' is a good thing and they may offer you an alternative course of action in any case. The treatment regimes appear to be different here in Australia, but I too would certainly take heed of the advice that others have given to attend a CCC if you still have doubts after this meeting. Good Luck, and please let us know the outcome!!


55 y/o
SCC LL Tongue 3/27/07
Part. mandibulectomy 9/2/07
Left ND 5/12/08
Rec LL Tongue 07/09
Part gloss 8/5 & 8/25
Surg 10/28/09 re mets to R neck & L jaw
RT & Chemo finished 12/22/09
PEG fitted 05/06/10
L buccal SCC 10/10
freeflap (forearm)surgery 2/28/11 L buccal and gingiva