Nicki....where are you getting this information that cancer cells don't like salt ( and since it is a normal component of your blood as sodium, and other fluids in our body, what makes you think that eating it would have any impact) and this comment that cancers thrive in acid environments..... again, that ingestion of somethinjg like ice cream would creat a cancer friendly environment. I'm not sure you are getting good information from whatever the source is. It certainly doesn't match up to what the chemo prevention experts at some of the major cancer centers are looking at.

JAM has got the right idea, it isn't just about's about good nutrients that provide the vitamins, mineral, proteins etc, to heal properly, and stay in good health once there. You guys sound like you are going to survive cancer only to die of clogged arteries.....everything in moderation.

Brian, stage 4 oral cancer survivor. OCF Founder and Director. The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between, the leader is a servant.