kwl718--I'm not sure about insurance through the state, but I'll check it out! Thank you.

Ed, I looked over the policy, and I cannot find anywhere that says there is an exclusion for illness/cancer that is diagnosed during an initial set period. Hopefully that means we are OK. I've thought about calling our agent and just asking him, but I don't want to get into all that while my husband is still struggling with cancer. If it turns out that the policy will not pay because of the cancer diagnosis so closely following taking out the policy, I'd rather Scott not know about it. He has enough to worry about right now. I guess if I knew for sure now that the policy won't pay, my actions might cause him concern and I'd end up telling him.

Guess I'll put it all aside until the time comes; I'll know soon enough. I really hate thinking about this stuff, you know? I'd rather have him than any amount of money, of course, but knowing I'm going to lose him, I'd at least like for my daughters and me to be able to remain in the house Scott and I worked so hard to make our family home--that's why we took out that policy. Guess we should have asked some "what if" questions of the agent at the time. After all, life insurance is supposed to offer "peace of mind." Right.


Wife of Scott: SCC, Stage I retromolar 10/02--33 rad; recurrence 10/03--Docetaxol, 5FU, Cisplatin; 1/04 radical right neck, hard palate, right tonsil; recurrence 2/04--mets to skin and neck; Xeloda and palliative care 3/04-4/04; died 5/01/04.