Well at the hospital it was only six pounds of weight loss, but not a big difference. He has eaten relatively better yesterday and today, but it is difficult. They are going to weigh him again on Wednesday and see where we are at. I am currently making soup again. I went to three separate groceries today to try to get him some more chocolate Boost with extra protein - none of them had it. Shopping here is a challenge too. We are in a fairly rural area. I got him some regular chocolate Boost and extra protein strawberry. He doesn't like the strawberry. I will try some different stores tomorrow.

After we drove to Mobile for his radiation today their machine was down and they hope to have a part for it by tomorrow morning. He will have to make up with a double radiation session sometime later this week. Since I am still attempting to work this week, these schedule changes are definitely playing havoc with my work schedule. Today is a holiday. I was going to try to work this afternoon anyway, but with the delays in Mobile when they thought they would get things fixed that got too complicated so I am not working (at my job) this afternoon.


Barbara S
C/G to Michael age 64, stage 1 base of tongue SC cancer and a stage one for a couple lymph nodes, diagnosed 09/12/06, IMRT radiation 10/24/06 to 12/05/06 , last PET / CT scan 11/7/11 - still cancer free!!!