Is he from the Depression era? My Dad was, he died from lung cancer when I was 16. He apparently was hiding his health problems & collapsed at work. OMG he was soooo angry at being helped. After treatments at the hospital he stayed home for about 2weeks during Thanksgiving. The hostile expression on his face was terrifying. Again hiding his pain Mom realized he was getting worse and had to call an ambulance to get him back the hospital. I was at school for that, but she was emotional wrung out saying how furious he was being taken that way. He was peacefully med

Dig.7/03 3cm+ lymph nodes & base of tongue tumor. Radical neck dissection w/removal of one neck muscle, laser removal of tumor. 47 sessions of radiation, 2 doses of Cisplatin & PEG tube 40yrs old non-smoker/drinker