You have been so helpful to me-I wish I could help you now. I too think you must be patient and let yourself heal as you will. I lost my mom almost 4 yrs. ago from lung cancer and it really took me a good three years to not feel so lost. It's not as if you are not functioning, that's a diffferent story. Your life will not be the same as you knew it and that takes time to deal with. I think you can't help but to resent your sister-in-law's comments-it is only natural-don't feel guilty about that. Having lost both my parents and a sister, I always felt one of the hardest things was to watch the world go on without my loved one-didn't they know I felt my life was over??? But go on it does, and you will too, in your own time. Be patient and kind to yourself and keep sharing your feelings-whatever they may be. May God Bless You and keep you close.

Stage IV scc base of tongue/larynx
Total glossectomy/partial laryngectomy/radical neck dissection 4/05 followed by chemo and rad. Tonsillar Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma 1996(cured and not related)