Ed, that's hysterical!
My mom took my younger brother to the doctor when he was like 7. She took him for a horrible odor that she thought was his breath. Seems he had rolled up a piece of bread, stuffed it up his nose, and it had started molding. So disgusting. I can proudly say that none of my kids have stuffed any foreign objects up their noses...........I've dealt with severed fingers, infected chicken pox, and plenty of broken bones and stitches but no nose play.

SCC Left Mandible. Jaw replaced with bone from leg. Neck disection, 37 radiation treatments. Recurrence 8-28-07, stage 2, tongue. One third of tongue removed 10-4-07. 5-23-08 chemo started for tumor behind swallowing passage, Our good friend and much loved OCF member Minnie has been lost to the disease (RIP 10-29-08). We will all miss her greatly.