Well done Girl
If you don't let it all out you will end up screaming in the street.. I will let you in to a secret.. me and I suspect many more do have have days where we just sit and blank everything, perhaps it's natures way of helping us deal with it, I don't really know. You need some space girl, just an hour a day, just for you, the caregiver is the most important person at this point so look after you, go for a walk, meet a girlfriend just be you for a while.. and keep venting here if you have to.. we are all with you on this one...
Sunshine... love and hugs

SCC Base of tongue, (TISN0M0) laser surgery, 10/01 and 05/03 no clear margins. Radial free flap graft to tonsil pillar, partial glossectomy, left neck dissection 08/04