
Over last 14 years, I have experienced surgery for oral cancer, open heart surgery and again surgery for oral cancer. The 2nd round - the seriousness was definitley elevated. If there are any tips I would offer, it's choosing comprehensive cancer treatment and equally as important having a strong support system (family, friends, church) - whatever it takes- humor or otherwise to fulfill your needs and build your strength to support this pending surgery with as much optimism as you can muster through all the above avenues. Prior to my most recent surgery, I realized the seriousness of my situation, but with the support of family, friends, church, prayer, letters, cards, medals, oils - a never ending list of thoughtfulness - began to build my foundation of strength to remain a survivor and to once again say opening "I'm back."
I may have missed previous postings - but assume you're having your surgery at a comprehensive cancer treatment center. I owe a great deal to the medical staff that performed my surgery and plastic surgery - they literally saved my life.
Finally, if you do have pain, allow the medical arena to manage it - I was not an advocate of taking morphine - but my wife insisted I allow myself to take what was necessary to minimize the pain - it definitely helped my healing process - although my memory of the days immediately post surgery are relatively "dull."
Hopefully, I can introduce a tad of humor at this time. I have a confession - as was, is and always will be, my wife is the pillar of my life and world. I could have continued, but Wendy, my wife is now spewing water over the keyboard like the Niagara River - my confession - she participates a million percent in every aspect of my life including the typing of this reply as my typing skills "stink."
We both wish you the best and will keep you in our prayers.

Ron Miller