::sigh::: so many questions. I thought I handled myself pretty well with my overnight stay for the PEG and scope. My husband tells me three days after that I had called him at 9:30pm after surgery all paranoid and dellusional. I guess I thought "They" were after me. Seriously though, I had a restless night and don't remember sleeping at all much. Plenty of pain and alot of "let me give you some more morphine" After using the search engine, I realize I'm not alone with poor reactions to morphine, but it brought back some memories of a car accident I had 20 odd years ago and had bad reactions to morphine. Maybe I'm not the morphine type.

Hell, I don't remember much. I remember trying to concentrate on the faces of people. Don't remember conversations. Pain was still very much there, but the stuff just made me flat out loopy.

Would it be wise to just tell the treatment center. "Do not talk to her if she's on morphine" or do the medical folks realize you are all doped up and not with your right wits?

This is more than likely not my first surgery, as there is mention of a neck dissection after the rad/chemo thing. I just don't like being a goofball. My husband kept asking me if I had any memory of some of my stuff, and I flatly do not. I was impressed (as he was) that I was able to plug the phone in and make a call. I guess I can be highly functioning, AND dellusional, paranoid at the same time.

Would my best bet be to just tell them to put a note in my file that I had this type of reaction? I'm sure they pretty much give everybody morphine as a standard practice, and if they must give it to me, I'd like it in my file somewhere that I will remember nothing, react strangely and sleep in little short fits.

I'm fine now, and recovering. It just shames me greatly if I have no memory or control of my faculties. I hate being the clown. Here I thought I did good. Despite the pain I got myself up and to the bathroom alone, but based on what my husband told me about the phone call, I'm thinking they need an elephant gun to shoot me in the butt and put me down for a few hours.
