Hello Minnie,

Thank you for your post. Im off to work now and I will write more later. I wanted to respond to your post. First, I am so glad you have been cancer free for 6 months. THat is great. My twin and I are close to my mom but we worry about her. The first surgery they removed one side of her jaw and her body rejected the metal plate. They did put the bone in her jaw also, but it didnt take for her. Now, the cancer is next to where she had the surgery before, so I dont know whether to call it recurrent? This is all new to me. I thought it is recurrent if it comes back. I guess I am wrong. The doctor had told her before after the first surgery a year ago that the margins were free. Then, a year later, it is in the area next to where she had the surgery before.

They want to remove the rest of her lower teetha nd her jaw bone. My father and us girls are scared for the jaw removal and so is she. I believe she is not going to have her jaw removed but only her gums and rest of her lower teeth. She told me she didnt think she could survive the jaw removal surgery. I dont want to see her suffer. It tears me up inside. I am so worried about her. ANd it is so sweet that you worry about your daughters. My mom is doing the same thing. She is worried about us taking all of this when she should just be worried about herself. She cries all day and I just dont know what to say to her to make her feel better. I do tell her she will be ok but I think in her heart she is very scared.

So is it recurrent or the same cancer? I guess I incorrectly assumed it was recurrent.

Thanks Minnie and I will say prayers for you and your family. Thanks for your support and kind words.
God Bless

Stephany.Daughter of mother who passed away 3/26/05 from Recurrent Gum Squamous Cell Carcinoma. She had 3 surgeries, and 6 weeks radiation, and then passed due to infection. I miss her very much. She was 65 years young when she passed. Love you Mom!