No, They say they don't want the risk of the teeth becoming bad after the salivary gland stops working. That once the mouth goes dry they can rot fast and an infection can go down to the bone, also that it is hard to care for teeth while going through the treatments if you get thrush etc. He still has his wisdom teeth and they want to get those out. The dentist didn't say the teeth were bad,they just want to remove them.
We were relieved because they had mentioned removal of all teeth, but now he will have all but 11.

Caregiver to father,Frank -Tonsil SCC spread to base of tongue 2 lymph, T2N2M0 stage 4a, IMRT 35x, Erbitux 8x-stopped after 5 due to thrush infection and strp infection in PEG,diag Aug 07 tx concluded Nov 8 07 PEG issues Inpatient Oct 8th-Nov 8th.