Well, thank all of you for your replies. I did a little digging online, and the doctor who seen me at the hospital is the program director for the oral and maxillofacial unit for the U of M. Here is his write up:
Dr. Ward has been actively involved in the clinic and operating room, his research endeavors and as the Program Director of the residency and Head and Neck Oncology fellowship.

"As a member of the University of Michigan Nanotechnology Institute for Medicine and the Biological Sciences and the University of Michigan Head and Neck SPORE (Specialized Programs Of Research Excellence), his lab is working with nanostructures targeted to Head and Neck Cancer for more effective and safe chemotherapy. This endeavor is being undertaken with the goal of future clinical trials using this technology to enhance patient care. He is also assisting to coordinate the University of Michigan as a site for an upcoming clinical trial from John's Hopkins offering chemoprevention treatment for pre-cancerous dysplasias.

Continuing his bridging effort between dentistry and medicine, he has facilitated the creation of a pilot program to train medical doctors in dentistry preparing them for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgical residency so that our dual degree program will one day be a true "two-way" street."

Would you feel secure if this guy told you no to lose any sleep about something? The equivalent of me arguing, or doubting this guy would be like arguing with Bill Gates or Steve Jobs about computers. From the sounds of it, this guy could smell OC a mile away (you would think).

I am a hypochonriac for certain. I have had my share of episodes throughout my life. It is so hard to explain to someone who hasn't had to battle the feelings you have when you are thoroughly convinced something is wrong. It seems so real, and to even think I would be so arrogant, and fool hearted to second guess a doctor like that just goes to show. I feel like such a coward, being here whining about my issues, when you folks are literally in the trenches. I am on the fence as to whether or not seek out another opinion, or battle the real tangible problem I have with hypochondria. Feed it or destroy it at this point.

It's kind of scary to think that I would be to the point in my thinking that I am almost willing to give it 3 years and see whether or not I am dead...

I am so messed up.

Thanks again all of you for being so kind to me. I will keep you posted if anything changes.