Matt, it sounds like you're in good hands as far as the facility you're at. But the hard thing about this on-line stuff, is that by virtue of getting the info second-hand, there are so many unknowns. Most of us probably don't know your doctor or his expertise in this area. And, cases can present themselves over time in very different ways. I agree with Jackie - it's probably ok. But you can always seek a second opinion if you're uncomfortable with what the first doctor has told you. Ideally you want to be seeing a doctor with expertise in head/neck/oral cancer, to have the best comfort level in his/her evaluation.

As far as information on-line, you've found the best source. Plenty of folks here will be willing to share their experiences with you, and there is tons of information you can find by searching the site.

Keep us posted...
Steve J.

Age 41 - Stage 2 SCC tongue Dx 2/06. Cisplatin x3, IMRT x35. Mets to neck node discovered 7/07. RND 40 nodes removed, margins not clear. Cisplatin, Taxotere, 5-FU Fall 07, then IMXT/Erbitux for 7 wks. Inoperable mets to both lungs and pleura Dx Oct'08. 4 cycles Carboplatin, Erbitux, 5-FU so far.