I just wanted to check in. We arrived back here ( home in Jersey) on Sunday night. I have not slept since arriving home. I have a ton of pain in my jaw and ear and still the same burning sensation in my bones especially my left arm. I called the Mayo this morning to see if any of the results were back from my endoscopy, they say no. Neuro put me on a med, endomyicin( spelling?), and in between I am taking tylenol. Mayo found I am ultra-sensitive to pain meds while I was there this last trip. They cause my heart to race. I did call Slaon this morning to find out how to make an appt etc and she told me to call back once the VELscope exam was performed. Tommorow I will be doing that with Jerry. I am freakin tired and hate to see my body go down this road for the last 6 months. Once I get the VELscope results, we will take them back to Mayo and show them as we are due back there next week for some breast surgery. I have already made my decision though that if VELscope looks abnormal, I am going to Sloan in NYC, and NOT dealing with Mayo for that. All this decision stuff is difficult. I am fucking exhausted, emotionally and physically. I truly am.