Well another set back, the peg tub was not placed correctly , so now they have taking it out. I get to go all through it again tommorrow. Hopefully, I won't have the same proublems. Thanks for the info on the Carnation Instant VHC. the nutritionist has put me on it . I lost 10 pounds last week. But do to my size I have to drink 6 cans a day and even though it does not taste to bad, it is still not that good anybody have any good mixing ideas to not get bored with flavor to quick,since it looks like I still have 5 weeks to look forward to this wonderful drink lol. but I guess you have to do what you have to do. The Dr. has gave me a scrip for it, but so far no luck on finding a pharmacy to fill it and send it into insurence, but will keep trying . I did how ever find a site on the web call MED.com and was able to order 2 cases (8 day Supply) for 27.24 each plus 11.13 for shipping of course lol . But at lest it will get me started, Thanks for all the info and will talk again soon.
