All good advice. I went into UCSD medical center this morning (tue). The ENT looked at it and thinks it might be just a pyogenic granuloma. He snipped it out and I am awaiting the results of the biopsy.
I researched what that is and understand that some SCC's can be mistaken for pyogenic granuloma.

I am somewhat heartened that this "nodule" appeared very quickly (almost overnight it seems)...and that it was rather smooth, and was on the roof of my mouth, a place that is uncommon for SCC to appear.
I didn't know the growth rate of Oral SCC and was concerned. I also can't remember really damaging the area with food.

Actually, the thorough way to really make sure to remove it all is not to snip it off as he did, but to cut it out and stitch it back up (researched).

I still have to wait untill Friday for the results. I am hoping for the best (statistically)and if it's benign...will consider having the area cut out more and stitched up.'s not beyond the possiblity of a tumor up in that tiny (mucus membrane?) area.'s hoping.