If treatment hasn’t started yet, as recommended, have thyroid baseline, in addition too, kidneys, which is pretty standard with blood tests showing the GFR, but testosterone levels, hearing, and vision too, which all were altered from my treatments. I’m on daily 150mcg levothrixine. A recent hearing test showed I lost 50% of my hearing in my left ear, most radiated side, which I sort of knew, but not the percentage, and it was recommeded I get a hearing side.

Some things may be measured during treatment, but definitely all after treatment has ended as these can be affected.

Good luck

10/09 T1N2bM0 Tonsil
11/09 Taxo Cisp 5-FU, 6 Months Hosp
01/11 35 IMRT 70Gy 7 Wks
06/11 30 HBO
08/11 RND PNI
08/12 RND Pec Flap IORT 12 Gy
10/12 25 IMRT 50Gy 6 Wks Taxo Erbitux
10/13 SND
10/13 TBO/Angiograph
10/13 RND Carotid Remove IORT 10Gy PNI
12/13 25 Protons 50Gy 6 Wks Carbo
11/14 All Teeth Extract 30 HBO
03/15 Sequestromy Buccal Flap ORN
09/16 Mandibulectomy Fib Flap Sternotomy
04/17 Regraft hypergranulation Donor Site
06/17 Heart Attack Stent
02/19 Finally Cancer Free Took 10 yrs