Thanks Travelottie, I have incorporated the powder into my food. I have to say, that I'm getting the protein I need, just not enough calories, before I get too sick to take in more. I keep losing weight, even though I have increased my calories up to at least 2500, if not more. The shakes and yogurt are about the only thing Ive got now, as well as boost. **I read an article...What happens if you lose your sense of taste? the writer, basically covers what we go through when our taste is gone. A point, she made, is that she didn't lose all sense of taste, as there are taste buds elsewhere in the throat and esophagus. She found that some things she could sense. Certain essences that normal taste buds don't register. I have been experimenting, and yes there are some things. Peanuts, grapefruit, Seaweed (lol...its a korean thing)...but this "knowing" that there are "tastes" out there that I haven't paid attention to in the past are, perhaps what I can find pleasure in today.

The mouth sores that StefH has mentioned is pretty bad as well. I got a waterpik to help with hygiene, but found that it was way too strong in pressure. My fault, as I was trying to go cheap and got the cordless one on sale, it does not have pressure settings. Will be returning it tomorrow wink and getting the slightly more expensive one, but hopefully it wont bore a whole in my gums, like this one did. I cried.

I have lost a lot of hair in the back on my head, near the neckline. It comes out more everyday. Depressing, as my hair was very long. It's too late to cut it short, since I started treatments with a long braid. They were surprised that so much is coming out, but they explained that it is where the radiation is exiting.

I'm going to ask the Doctor tomorrow about getting some hydration. I'm just not getting enough. Water tastes like saltwater. Which they say may be a sign of dehydration, but its also part of losing taste and salivary glands, so I'm just guessing. I've dieted in the past, and drinking fluids has always been important, but until you have to drink a certain amount daily, you never know how difficult it can be.

***The waiting room in which the patients all sit in, waiting for treatment, has become pretty depressing. As, now, everyone is in some form or other of distress. I'm the only one with oral cancer, but there is a gentleman with throat cancer, as well. He is not doing well at all. His family is super supportive, and he is so nice. He is just so drained. I have mentioned to his family that this forum has been such a Godsend. I hope they took my advise.

I really don't want to go to treatments now, but I will. I am so grateful that this forum is here. I hope this doesn't come out wrong...but i'm so very thankful that I have the knowledge from so many that have gone through this before. Bless Everyone.

04/21/17 Biopsy at ENT
04/25/17 Biopsy result SCC on left side tongue
04/27/17 CT Scans--shows shallow tumor
05/02/17 Pre-op
05/03/17 Surgery to remove tumor
05/08/17 Cancer still present
05/10/17 2nd surgery-
06/05/17 PET on 6th, RADS start on 06/20/17
07/11/17 Halfway point!
08/01/17 Last treatment
11/1/17 Cancer is back
11/15/17 Emory University surgery. neck dissection, left lymph nodes removed, tongue free flap from left arm with skin graft.