Hello TrevorL,
It would only be natural to be apprehensive of the treatment and recovery road ahead. After inventorying my fears, I prayed for strength. My takeaway was to just try to take care of the business of the day...just get through the day. You mentioned deep breathing helped you through the restrained radiation session. I did the same thing and framed it mentally as a form of meditation. Again, what helped me was just keeping in mind that I only need to take care of the business at hand today....no matter what it was. I made a lot of protein shakes and amino acids, high calorie soups and pastas and did was able to get through without the PEG. Please ask your support for help when you need it. I was given medication for each malady that came up. Stay strong. I got through it (even worked a couple days a week) and you will, too.

SCC BOT with bilateral lymph node tumors - Stage IV
Dx 7/10/14
Biopsy shows HPV marker
Non-smoker, non-drinker
Came to MD Anderson a CCC on 7/24/14
PET did not show metastasis 8/2/14
Began induction chemo 8/10/14 Carboplatin, Paclitaxel and Cetuximab
Completed induction chemo 9/22/14
Completed chemo and proton radiation 11/13/14
Follow up checkups 1/15, 5/15, 8/15 12/15 5/17 Still Cancer free!
Otherwise healthy 67 year old male from La Selva Beach, CA….now almost 70!