Thank you for your kind support and advice. My troubles seems small potatoes after looking at others' histories here. As to your questions: Yes, I have chemo coming. Not much info aside from the initial consult with the MO, but her assistant called yesterday to set me up for urine collection to check kidney functions. I'll see them on Tuesday or Wednesday and we'll get started. For eating, it's really not much trouble right now. For the 10 days or so following the difficult extractions, things were too sore for anything but soft foods like you mentioned. Other things I had to chew with only front teeth or bicuspids and the pallette and gums get sore. Still, I'm being a whiny baby about all that, I know. I am, as you suggested, eating things I like and kind of "bulking up". It's more that I felt a bit blindsided by that part and discovering that there wouldn't be any partial or bridgework until months after treatment. It seems details on the effects of treatment came gradually over these few weeks. I think if one was told everything at once, they'd want to run off.

I'm glad to be able to feel this sense of community and support. I appreciate the immediate responses here and the advice.


Last edited by TrevorL; 05-19-2017 07:08 AM.

Age 70
FNA biopsy March 2017
Dx SCC BOT Size T2, stage 3 April 2017
RAD started May 22
Chemo began May 24, Getting 3 rounds of Cisplatin