Hello Ed, it is still early days with the healing process for you.
My Husband also had an MRI scan report post rads and chemo that said that there was something that may represent residual tumour. He was sent for a PET at 3 months which showed no tumour activity. So, take a deep breath and try to relax. Waiting is definitely the hardest part I do know this.
Hope all goes well,

Caregiver/advocate to Husband Kris age 59@ diagnosis
DX Dec '10 SCC BOT T4aN2bM0 HPV+ve.Cisplatin x3 35 IMRT.
PET 6/11 clear.
R) level 2-4 neck dissection 8/1/11 to remove residual node - necrotic with NED
Feb '12 Ca back.. 3/8/12 total glossectomy/laryngectomy/bilat neck dissection/partial pharyngectomy etc. clear margins. All nodes negative for disease. PEG in.
March 2017 - 5 years disease free. Woohoo!