Hi Andy,

You've come to the right place to vent, get ideas and in general - be supported in way that is hard to describe.

Use this time right now to get life in order and to EAT.

By in order I mean is your living room set up with a place for you to have a table or two very close so you can keep things you need handy, handy without have to get up. If you'll need to do some work, is there something you could arrange to be more convenient. Telling our loved ones has been hugely supportive as the want to bring food. Even if there is a time you aren't eating it, your family will.

My husband is 2/3's of the way through his treatment. You can do this too.

Very best of wishes to you.


Caregiver to my husband, Mike
He is:
56 years old
Non smoker/social drinker
Hpv -
SCC BOT N2C Stage 4
Dx 10/14/16
Rx of 35 days Rad & 3 rounds of cisplatin
Treatment started 11/7/16
PEG installed 11/2/16