Hello. I underwent a radical neck dissection within the first week after completing my IMRT. It was the final step in my treatment process. I agree with everyone else who has suggested starting PT as soon as possible. I was not advised to do so, and ended up with complications which restrict the opening of my mouth. This in turn makes it almost impossible to get food into my mouth, especially when I'm wearing my dentures. Often I cannot even open wide enough to get the fork or spoon in. I also suffer from recurring muscle pain and spasms in my jaw.

I also agree the procedure was by far the easiest of all the treatments I received ( i.e. Chemo, IMRT, and even the hemiglossectomy itself). Mine was performed on the right side of my neck, and initially I had numbness which extended from my temple down to the incision site, including the whole right side of my face. Most feeling has returned and the numbness that still persists is so normal to me now I only notice it when I touch my lower right jaw, and really focus on it.

It is true that post op I had drainage devices (I believe they're called JPs) in my neck for a few days. I knew I looked bad simply by the looks on the faces of my visitors. Finally I got enough courage to look in the mirror; and it was a frightening sight. However it looked much worse than it felt, and as soon as the drainage tubes were removed I knew everything would be OK.

I wish you the best, and can reassure you, after 10 years people can barely tell I underwent this procedure. Fear of the surgery and vanity (not wanting folks to see the scar initially) were the worst part of it. Good luck to you.

Age 59
DX SCC T3N1M0 R BOT 10/04 135lbs
TX Hemi-Gloss 11/04
MET Neck 12/04
TX 01/05 G-Tube,PortCath,6wks chem+6wks chem& IMRT,Max dose
06/05 RND,42 nodes 1 bad,All clear 120lbs
DX femoral hernia 09/09,repair 10/09 94lbs
HBO 11-12/10
11/10 All teeth out,05/11 dentures
DX hypothyroid,04/13
DX inguinal hernia,repair,04/15 127lbs
DX cachexia (CACS),03/16 98lbs
DX EPI, TX PERT,10/18 115lbs
DX RFS,11/18
DX iron deficiency anemia,02/19 118lbs
TX infusions,04-06/19 115lbs
DX calcified atheroma carotid