Ha ha, David2! Of course I want to watch that video right now! smile Thanks for sharing your experience. I'm curious what your complications were? (If you don't mind sharing.) I always find going into these procedures with as much information as possible to be very helpful. Thanks!

Teacher Karen
DX: SCC of right maxillary alveolar ridge, 9/2010.
Surgery 11/2010, removal of 4 teeth and gum.
Surgery 11/2012, removal of 3 teeth and gum.
IMRT 1/2013-2/2013
Surgery 1/2015 retromolar trigone resection; removal of 1 tooth and gum.
Surgery 10/2015 left modified radical neck dissection, inferior parotidectomy, external carotid artery resection.
Cetuximab based chemoradiation 64.8 Gy to resection bed.
Surgery 6/19/2018 Right inferior maxillectomy, bilateral low palate resection