Yes it is such a sad state of affairs that we are reduced to making a decision regarding our health (therefore potentially a life limiting decision) based on the potential side effects of Chemo drugs that would likely not be allowed into the medical world for any use but treating cancer. A 3% likelihood of heart failure associated with Erbitux is a serious decision. The likelihood of neurological damage (irreprerable) with Cisplatin I have yet to see expressed except that it is less than 10%. Neither is a welcome choice which is why I lean towards not doing any chemo and undergoing rad treatment alone. My wife (of course - I would beg her to do the same if the shoes were reversed) tends to want me to submit to chemo. I still have two weeks to decide and Lord knows it is akin to unraveling the proverbial Gordian Knot.

Robo Surgery 6/17/15
1 Extranodal extension- primary cancerous lymph node
Removal of rt side lymph nodes in neck
Removal of rt tonsil
multiple removal sites during surgery