Happy to hear that the surgery went well and his tongue is now cancer free! Best wishes through his continued treatments and recovery. I am also starting on soft foods myself and am enjoying creamy (or blended up) soups, yogurt, mashed potatoes, scrambled eggs, and higher calorie protein shakes I've been making myself by adding a banana, oatmeal, peanut butter, and protein powder. Making these helps me keep my daily calories at 2000 and protein intake somewhere between 80 and 100 grams (this is close to my body weight and has helped me maintain my weight while on a restricted diet). Glutamine is a good supplement that helps with recovery - the nights I added it to my shakes I saw a major improvement in the swelling the next day.

Female, Age 38, healthy non-smoker, rarely drank, regularly workout
May 2014 noticed irritation on tongue
6/18 saw doctor
6/25 saw ENT specialist got biopsy
6/30 Dx HPV P16+ ve SCC tongue cancer
7/9 CT scans, no visible spread
8/20 partial glossectomy with radial forearm flap, neck dissection 26 nodes sampled - results T2 N0 with mild dysplasia
4/2015 start to have ear pain
5/2015 recurrence
6/4/2015 surgery 29 nodes samples pN 2c
7/13/2015 7 wks of Chemo & Radiation start