
I believe from your previous posts, that your brother had a nasal feeding tube - is that correct? Then it would make sense to remove now as long as he is eating.

You stated that the doctor suspected one node, but ended up with 2 others that were cancerous. You cannot always tell by a visual exam that it is cancerous, so there could be others. But any others should be killed off by the radiation and I'm glad his doctors are recommending radiation - better to do this now before it could spread even more.

It is difficult to eat after surgery, and even more so after radiation. I made a lot of smoothies with yogurt, fruits, milk or juice, and of course ice cream! I also added whey protein powder. He can probably eat eggs, soups, yogurt, vegetables (cooked until real soft). Its more about the texture and getting enough calories and nutrition. If you have a blender, use it.

During radiation his doctors may recommend a feeding tube (called a PEG tube, which is inserted surgically into the abdomen area). Swallowing may become very difficult if not impossible.

I didn't have a peg tube and my doctors didn't even mention it. Because of the areas that were radiation on me (sparing the inside of my throat), I was able to swallow - that is once I got past my painful mouth. I did loose a lot of weight but did manage to drink a fairly healthy diet. [/quote]

Hi Susan,
You are correct my brother did have the nasal feeding tube after his surgery. Oh-I see what you mean- the peg tube is totally different. I hope his radiation goes well where he wont need the peg tube. I feel so bad that he has already been through so much. Thank you for the suggestions on what to eat- yes, we do have a blender and also bought a huge brevell juicer. He has had a couple of juices.

22 YO Brother Dx 6/17/14 w. SCC R Lateral tongue
CT scan clear LN 6/20/14
HPV-, non-smoker
R tongue, right hemiglossectomy Surgery 6/24/14
(Not reoccurrence but went to NCCC instead
R neck dissection, tracheostomy, radial free flap, R tongue dissection surg 8/11/14
PT1N2B.3 positive lymph nodes out of 13
Extranodal extension present
9-15-14 IMRT (35x) & Cisplatin (2x) begun
10-21-14 peg in. 10-31-14 1 round of carboplatin
11-4-14 IMRT rx comp
3-27-15 Recurrent tumor in lymph node, L neck diss.
10-29-15 brother passed away, 23 yrs old