Yes you need a referral to see an ENT. Again, calm down it is not helping that you are not thinking clearly about this. You say the doctor said it was just anxiety. You are clearly showing plenty of symptoms of that. Anxiety is not something that is "made up". Its a physical reaction to an external threat. Whether the threat is real or not is what needs to be investigated.

Currently the external threat is cancer. Its in your head as the only thing that could cause this lump in your tongue. Every time you Google you find another description, another statistic, another study that confirms what you're thinking. Sound familiar? Its called confirmation bias and its very normal.

Now separate the anxiety from the lump. What is causing the lump. Is it a fungal thing, is it some kind of benign growth, it must be something. Could be anything. But its there, its obvious and easy for the doctor to see. You will leave the doctor's on Monday with either an answer or the next step in the investigation. But again, don't dismiss him for treating the anxiety. These are two related but separate conditions you have. Let him treat both.

If you do find its cancer, or some other disease that with a long complicated treatment, it will be different to any experience you've had with a doctor before. You might be used to a doctor putting a stethoscope on you and saying "yep, chest infection" giving you antibiotics and it all goes away. Get used to the idea that some medical investigations are very complex, requiring multiple stages. Different specialists, different scans and tests, all to make a proper diagnosis and treatment. All this takes time. Look at the signatures. It takes months, sometimes years. We never have a moment where its the end of the road, there is always another step. Even when you get clear you live with a fear of recurrence for the rest of your life.

Now how do we do it? A day at a time. You break it down to the next step in the path. Your next step is you see your doctor on Monday. There's nothing you can do until then. When you reach that next step you'll have another step. Whatever it is the doctor wont wave a magic wand over you and say "you have cancer and you're going to die". Even if it is cancer, its not the end of the path. You get the next step. Might be a biopsy or a scan. Again not the magic end to the path. Then you have treatment. More scans, blood tests, etc etc etc etc. All steps in a very long path. All we can do is live life as best we can until the next step. Thats how we do it, and thats what you have to do now. Calm down and focus on what you can do between now and Monday. Recognise the anxiety for what it is, and focus on calming it down between now and Monday. And when Monday comes, remember it is just the next step.

Cheers, Dave (OzMojo)
19Feb2014 Diagnosed T2N2bM0 P16+ve SCC Tonsil.
31Mar2014 2 Cisplatin, 70gy over 7 weeks (completed 16May2014)
11August2014 PET/CT clear.
17July2019 5 years NED.