Hi Alpaca,
I have been in the medical field for almost 30 years and I still am surprised when a physician doesn't listen to the patient. I can promise you I have over the years become so much more attentive to what is being said and felt by the patient because of being a patient myself!
I am encouraged by your response regarding taste....that went very fast and probably hit me harder than anything else.
Last night the side effect of hair in the range of the radiation falling out happened..lol
I now have a rat tail hahahahaha
Have a blessed day!

3/26/14 dx SCC R ventral tong;PNI Stag 1 age 49
PET Clear
4/18/14 re excis part gloss; Marg clear; R END all clean
6/12/14 start RAD IMRT x30
smile CathyG