The topic of HPV and oral cancer are deeply intertwined and trying to corral all posts related to HPV into one thread is admirable but won't happen. Many people are not going to search for this specific thread then post in it. Also, one thread that gets loaded with hundreds of posts is almost useless from a practical point in terms of someone wading through the whole thing. Some may do that but the vast majority do not have the time. Using the search function can bring results back.

The way HPV works is most all adults who have sex have likely gotten the virus and passed it. For those who harbor the virus it may hide out for many years, even decades, then might turn into cancer.

If one is 30 something and diagnosed with HPV+ cancer and has partners of similar age, then there is more validity to informing partners about the potential risks. If one is sixty something and partners of the same vintage, then my view is why bother saying anything. At this point, many decades have come and gone and the body has passed it and immune to it, or it has rooted itself in hiding and waiting to become cancer or remain there. Nothing you do at this point is going to either make the situation better or worse.


Male, 57 - Great health except C
Dec '12
DX: BOT SCC T2N2bMx, Stage 4a, HPV+, multiple nodes
1 tooth out
Jan '13
2nd tooth out
Tumor Board -induction TPF (3 cycles), seq CRT
CRT 70gr 2x35, weekly carbo150
ended 5/29,6/4
All the details, join at