Welcome. You're about to get loved on by a bunch of folks who know exactly how you feel.

At this early point, my advice would be to not worry about stuff you don't know. Easier said than done but you already have a few things on your plate so devote your attention to them. There are many steps on this journey and I doubt many of us had it go EXACTLY the way we thought it would meaning we might have spent time worrying about something that never happened!

You're already taking some good steps by seeking out people who've been down the road before. Rest and relax with people you love as much as possible. Have fun. You're not ignoring what's coming you're preparing for it. A positive attitude helps you and encourages those around you. We are all here too.

Dx March 2011 via FNA (49 yrs old)
HPV+ exact strain unknown
Stage IVa T3N2cM0
Cisplatin x 3, IMRT x 40 (7267 cGy)
One node removed post-treatment (rad dmg)
Clean PET 10/28/11
Swallow therapy