Hi ...I just wanted to check in and say that my husband completed the second round of chemo/radiation at Hopkins on September 21. The radiation was directed to the chest area. The chemo was weekly doses of carboplatin. The side effects were NOTHING compared to those from the round of chemo/rads he had to treat the initial tonisillar cancer last winter. The doctors feel optimistic, though I am fearful of taking anything for granted. On December 30 we meet with the RO to get PET scan results and learn how all went.

Best to everyone,

Caregiver to husband, 60
Dx Sept '12 SCC BOT T2N2aMo, Stage IV, HPV+
Oct '12 Sub.Gland transfer
Nov-Dec '12 IMRT x 33 + cisplatin x7
March '13 PET/CT: 2 spots on lungs; (BOT & neck lymphs NED)
April '13 Biopsy: 1 = malignant right hilar lymph (met from HNSCC)p16
9/13: 33 rounds IMRT to lungs; carboplatinx7
CT w/contrast 12/30/13: 2 spots left hilar lymph. biopsy confirms SCC
30 rounds IMRT to left lung; treatment ended 5/29/14
Sept 2014--CT clear; December 2014 CT clear