It has been 17 days since my last rad treatment and 12 days since my last chemo. There is not much news to share as little has changed in post treatment. I guess when you add up all of the small changes you could make a case for overall significant change. From my perspective no further damage to my body is significant change. Some of the small changes are decrease in number of blisters on my tongue and in my mouth, a decrease in redness on my face from radiation, 85% of the Erbitux induced rash is gone, I can take longer showers in much warmer water, I can really brush my teeth for the time in along time without further aggravating my mouth, I am up almost all day without having to take the fatigue naps and the list goes on.

I am still taking all nutrition by PEG. My mouth is just too sore to entertain eating orally although my appetite and desire would beg to differ. Water and milkshakes go down the throat and I am exercising the swallowing mechanisms. Jevity 1.5 is the dietary main course and supplemented with Naked Protein Zone smoothies (420 cal and 30 gm. of protein) and Naked Green Machine drinks for fruit and vegetables. Recently we added baby food diluted with carrot juice and use the tube. My favorite is chicken with mixed vegetables diluted with carrot juice. Yum! Weight is stable and caloric intake is 2800. H2O is 80 oz. per day and coffee is 16oz.

My aggravations beside sores in mouth is the mucous - I spend multiple times of spitting during the night which is the thickest and gag you type. During the day the mucous is much thinner but plentiful. Also the inability to taste - I am waiting patiently for this to return and feel it is holding back my progress but I am learning patience in expectations. Final aggravation is dependency on Oxycodon to survive daily life. A necessary evil and will pass with time. Met with Doctor Gillison last Wednesday and she is pleased with progress. She mentioned that should have been my toughest week and said look how good you are doing. I am thankful and learning patience and know that no 2 patients are alike.

Age 55 HPV 16+ SCC, BOT 050613 Stage IV
great team at OSU
Tx 6 weeks of rad started June 3
8 weeks of chemo started May 28
RTOG Phase III trial Cetuximab group.
Treatment completed 7/16/2013
PET Scan completed 10/08/13
Results discussed 10/11/13
NED - Free but am I
Next part of the journey?
1year PET 10/24/14 NED
Good reports now 10 years out.